Alert Object

This section describes the purpose of the Alert object and its properties. Below you will find a general overview, followed by a detailed description of Alert Properties as they appear in the various alert categories (tabs).


Alerts are used to notify ActiveBatch users than an ActiveBatch alertable condition has occurred.  For example, a Job has failed, a Queue is offline, or a Plan has breached its service level agreement (SLA).  


A Job, Plan or Queue can have one or more alerts and each alert can have one or more actions. An Alert object is a container or collection of alerts. The advantage of an Alert object is that you can associate the object to one or more event generating objects (Job, Plan and Queue). While you may have several alert types configured in a single Alert, the alert is only acted upon when the alertable condition occurs.


Note: The Job Scheduler object supports alerts as well (see the Alerts property sheet of the Job Scheduler).  Scheduler alerts are embedded and do not use Alert object association.


Alert objects support referencing ActiveBatch constant and active variables in alert properties that you would typically enter a string value (you can enter a variable instead - e.g. ${MyVar}). The Scheduler resolves variables by accessing the object that the alert is associated with. For example, if JobA is associated with an Alert object, and JobA causes the alert to go out, the variable used in one or more alert properties would be resolved by looking for the variable definition starting with JobA's Submission Queue, then its User Account, then locally on JobA, and lastly it looks up the full path of JobA. It starts with JobA's parent container, then goes all the way up to the Scheduler root, if necessary. Please note that as soon the Scheduler finds a matching variable name, the system stops looking. For example, if ${MyVar} is referenced on the Alert object, and the variable is defined on JobA's parent Plan, when the system finds the definition there, it stops looking up the full path. For more details about variables and how they are resolved, see the ActiveBatch Variables section of the documentation.


To create an Alert, right-click on the desired container (Scheduler root, existing Folder or Plan) in the Object Navigation Pane, select New, then select Alert. When you’ve completed the Alert settings, you must click the Save or the Save and Close button to save the Alert. Click the X on the tab of the New Alert if you wish to cancel the creation of the Alert. When you save the Alert, it will instantly appear in the Object Navigation pane (if auto refresh is enabled). To modify an existing Alert, right-click on the Alert in the Object Navigation pane, then select Properties.


Alert Properties