Object List

This section describes the purpose of the Object List object and its properties. Below you will find a general overview, followed by a detailed description of Object List Properties as they appear in the various Object List categories (tabs).


The Object List object serves as a collection point of one or more objects that you want to associate with a Job or Plan for related use. The purpose of this object is to allow this “associated list of ActiveBatch objects” to be shared by other related Jobs or Plans. This way if you need to add or remove an object, you make the change in a single object instead of having to modify many Jobs or Plans that are using the same embedded list.


The list of associated objects are used for two main purposes:


  1. Service Library objects that must be associated so you can use their underlying Web Services methods in Jobs Library Job steps.

  2. Any ActiveBatch object that you intend to access at run-time through variable substitution. It’s this second purpose that makes up the predominant use of the list. By including the object within an Object List, proper security can be determined when the object is associated. If the object is used at run-time and has not been placed in an Object List, an “access denied” will be issued and the run-time association will not occur.


Note: At this time, Schedule and Calendar objects serve no useful purpose within an Object List.


To create an Object List, right-click on the desired container (Scheduler root, existing Folder or Plan) in the Object Navigation Pane, select New, then select Object List. When you’ve completed the Object List property settings, you must click the Save or the Save and Close button to save the Object List. Click the X on the tab of the New Object List if you wish to cancel the creation of the Object List. When you save the Object List, it will instantly appear in the Object Navigation pane (if auto refresh is enabled). To modify an existing Object List, right-click on the Object List in the Object Navigation pane, then select Properties.


Object List Properties