
DbPurge is a built-in system Job that performs the following tasks:


  • It deletes plan and Job instance history that have met their retention period. To see what instance retention is set for, go to the Plan or Job's Completion property sheet. The Instance retention properties are located in the History section.

  • It deletes old Job log files (or archives them, depending on property settings) that are configured to use Centrally Managed Logging. This option is located on each Job's Execution property sheet, in the Logging section. Centrally Managed Logging means "let ActiveBatch clean up the log files".  If you prefer to manage the files (delete or archive them yourself), select the Execution > Logging > Log File option (DbPurge does not clean up log files using this option).

  • It deletes some object data, such as objects flagged for deletion and some object audits.


Note: The instance retention period for Jobs and Plans, and the log retention period for Jobs (plans don't generate log files), have factory default values whenever a new Job or Plan is created. Typically these values need to be changed to adhere to company rules regarding data and log retention. To override the factory default instance and log retention values, create adefault policyClosed A default policy allows you to preset a new object's properties to override factory default property values, and/or preset properties that are blank by default. See Default Policy for more details. 


It is important to run DbPurge, to keep your ActiveBatch backend database from growing excessively, and to keep your Centrally Managed Log files from taking up excessive amounts of disk space.


The DbPurge Job can be accessed via the Views pane.  See Administrator > System Objects > DbPurge. By default, it is set to run daily at 1 AM.  This is configurable. As a best practice, make sure DbPurge is run regularly. If you are using Reporting Services (an optional reporting feature), make sure the Reporting Services built-in Jobs (also stored in System Objects) are run before DbPurge. By default, Reporting Services Jobs are configured to run at 12 AM.


For more on DbPurge, see the ActiveBatch Installation and Administrator's Guide.


For more on Reporting Services, see the ActiveBatch Installation and Administrator's Guide and the Reporting Services Guide.