Using the Map View

Map View (or Map) is a real-time graphical display of the ActiveBatch workflows and their objects with a specific emphasis placed on Plans and/or Jobs.


Map is used by job authors to create Jobs and Plans and establish relationships between those objects. ActiveBatch operators can also use Map to monitor actively running Jobs and Plans since the view offers real time status updates.


The Map View can be accessed at the Job Scheduler (root) level to see the entire system; or, at the Plan or Folder level to see objects recursively from that level.


Map View allows you to create and manipulate various ActiveBatch objects. It is the predominant view for graphically creating workflows. Jobs and Plans can be linked together using constraints, completion triggers, and Alert triggers. In Map View, your Jobs and their relationships to other Jobs in the system can be visually seen and graphically managed.


What you see in the Map View canvas area are Folders, Plans and Jobs (and Job/Plan References). You can expand a Folder or Plan to see the contents within them, which is limited to nested Folders, Jobs or nested Plans. The canvas area does not display shared objects (e.g. Queues, User Accounts, Schedules, etc.). That information can be seen using the Child Objects or Associated Objects panes, depicted on the right in the image below.



When the Map View is first launched, you will see the larger portion of the canvas containing whatever workflows and objects can fit in the window and a smaller “context” window in the upper right-hand corner (Map Overview) that displays the entire level. This smaller window allows you to pan and bring other objects into view. Map supports both pan and zoom. All shapes and text will scale as you zoom in and out. Three (3) dockable panes appear on the right: Child Objects, Associated Objects and Pinned Objects.


Note: If you do not see any or all of the above described smaller windows (Child, Associated and Pinned objects), click on the far-right gear icon in the toolbar, then select View. From there, select the desired window(s).


Child Objects refers to those objects at this level that are not Jobs, Folders or Plans. In other words, all of the rest of the ActiveBatch (shared) objects that reside at the level you are viewing. Child objects appear in this pane by selecting the container you would like to see this information for.


Associated Objects contains the list of objects that are associated with a selected objects. For example, a Queue and User Account object would minimally appear here for a Job. To see associated objects, you must click the "Get Associated Objects" icon (a "chain link" icon) on the container you are viewing.


Pinned Objects depicts objects in both the Child Objects and Associated Objects panes that a user has pinned. You can pin an object that you will be using regularly. Think of pinned objects as a type of favorites for the Map View. If you pin a Plan or Folder you can also easily access the underlying nested objects in the container.


To learn more about specific features of the Map View, expand the desired option below.